Before you can start using mailwizz, please login to your mailwizz account by navigate to > Service > My Services > Mailwizz Plan > Click login button.
You will redirect to mailwizz app account, firstly you need to setup sending domain with your own domain. we are not support sending email using gmail or other third-party email. you must used your own domain.
By navigate to domain > sending domain > create new > add you domain name, example > click save changes
Then after save changes, you will need to verify DNS Record by adding TXT record to your domain, please use txt record that generate by the mailwizz system.
Copy the TXT Record: in the first colum, example;
mailer._domainkey TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgsdSKCAQEssAwGBh+A3ZRUMw2jBv7DBNog6+3b+wDGJRY49i4XIuwIFX/Rx+BkC+04K0bbeJgEGjdmbibdiNWRMLxGvFoJkL42qHXRIn6D+5BEK6Q9fSS8OQKsxtViudzI/+z9YkdqS2rPn2slQ3nqsWKoVuCx6wyASFACTv5IBtAIOAl6fg7l/GWBFUoSwNj69zbMP2CAPI1JEgdsvQvbrVKrS7JYyWhL+jSO2GkCzJ853J1kf2Uj5bkFikg8MpssY/KOHwrFsbXHTlv2Q9uC+udTxcPmrVWkW9pg/f/jwGrTQZ7LszM4i3sHvvZKs6XV80OfwvnZXxLCRFmn8YGMDno9dgqa246M6QtA8MwIDAQAB;"
Then add this record to your domain DNS Setting in Plesk as new TXT Record and update your dns > After done click the Verify DNS records at mailwizz app domain sending.
Navigate your plesk dashboard > Hosting & DNS > DNS > Add Record > Record type: TXT > paste Domain key & TXT Record in the field. make sure remove the semicoloun "" before paste it the > Update DNS
domain name: mailer._domainkey
TXT record : v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgsdSKCAQEssAwGBh+A3ZRUMw2jBv7DBNog6+3b+wDGJRY49i4XIuwIFX/Rx+BkC+04K0bbeJgEGjdmbibdiNWRMLxGvFoJkL42qHXRIn6D+5BEK6Q9fSS8OQKsxtViudzI/+z9YkdqS2rPn2slQ3nqsWKoVuCx6wyASFACTv5IBtAIOAl6fg7l/GWBFUoSwNj69zbMP2CAPI1JEgdsvQvbrVKrS7JYyWhL+jSO2GkCzJ853J1kf2Uj5bkFikg8MpssY/KOHwrFsbXHTlv2Q9uC+udTxcPmrVWkW9pg/f/jwGrTQZ7LszM4i3sHvvZKs6XV80OfwvnZXxLCRFmn8YGMDno9dgqa246M6QtA8MwIDAQAB;
Then click verify DNS record at mailwizz app and your should have same result below "Your domain has been succesfully verified, if not please check again or contact support.
Create your fist LIST and start using Mailwizz autoreponder campaigns. remember to used your verified domain in campaigns setup for 'from email' and 'reply email'